2024 Racing Season Begins May 30!

The target date for the opening night of racing is Thursday, May 30th, weather permitting. The first race will start at 6:00. As we have done the past few years, we’ll decide the course on the water before each race and relay it to all the sailors. Please be prepared to record your times in the event no one is available on shore. Results will be compiled by the club Commodore at the end of the evening and results will be emailed out.

Dues will be $10 again this year. For those who want to either have their races scored or just support the club, please pay by June 30th and make sure your payment is recorded by the Commodore. Thank you to those who have already paid.


The Holmes Lake Sailing Club meets every Thursday night starting some time in May. Sailors begin rigging boats around 5:30, with the first race starting at 6:00 pm. Racing continues until dusk or the wind dies down. The races start near the boat ramp located on the south side of the lake.


    ©2020 Holmes Lake Sailing Club